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New on CTAN: bxtexlogo

Date: November 15, 2017 8:37:25 PM CET
Takayuki Yato submitted the bxtexlogo package. Version number: 0.3 License type: mit Summary description: Additional TeX-family logos Announcement text:
The package hologo enables you to output many useful logos of popular (and not so popular) TeX-family software. However its interface is a bit cumbersome because you must type \hologo{BibTeX} instead of \BibTeX. This package enables you to import some of logos provided by hologo as simgle commands, such as \BibTeX. Moreover this package provides yet additional logos of TeX-family software most of which is popular mainly in Japan. These logos can be imported in the same way as those provided by hologo.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/bxtexlogo More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/bxtexlogo
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bxtexlogo – Additional -family logos

The hologo package provides many useful logos of popular (and not so popular) -family software. However, its interface is a bit cumbersome because you must type \hologo{} instead of \.

This package makes it possible to import some of the logos provided by hologo as single commands, such as \.

Additionally, the package provides logos of some -family software that is popular mainly in Japan. These logos can be imported in the same way as those provided by the \hologo command.

bxtexlogo depends on hologo and cjhebrew (if \logoAleph and \logoLamed are used).

Copyright2017–2022 Takayuki YATO (aka. “ZR”)
MaintainerTakayuki Yato



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