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CTAN update: Tikzpingus

Date: September 19, 2023 8:26:18 AM CEST
Florian Sihler submitted an update to the Tikzpingus package. Version number: 1.1 2023-09-17 License type: gpl3 Summary description: Penguins with TikZ Announcement text:
Besides several refinements and bug-fixes (like the presentation of the lightsaber in the firefox web-viewer), there are a lot of new options and extras for the penguin: * New Extras for chess-penguins * Hooves for the Horse * A friendly bee * Vampire Teeth * Halloween extras (like a Jack-O-Lantern) * Winter extras (like a warm wool hat) * A Belt, Spear, Wooden Plank, Magnifier, and other rudimentary items Besides, I have started to explain how tikzpingus works under the hood. For a complete list, see the Changelog at: https://github.com/EagleoutIce/tikzpingus/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md If you have any suggestions, or use tikzpingus for something, I would be very happy to hear that - please let me know!
This package is located at https://mirrors.ctan.org/graphics/pgf/contrib/tikzpingus More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tikzpingus
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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Tikzpingus – Penguins with TikZ

tikzpingus is a package similar to tikzducks but with penguins and a vast set of gadgets and extras (capable of changing the wing-positions, body-types, and more).

Version1.1 2023-09-17
MaintainerFlorian Sihler



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