CTAN Update: tokcycle
V1.3 of the tokcycle package has been released. This package helps one to build tools to process tokens from an input stream, on a token-by-token basis, by applying category- based directives to each successive token. New features include: 1) the \xtokcycleenvironment macro has been introduced that allows one to build named tokcycle environments that allow pre- and post-processing directives to the token cycle; 2) the ability to dynamically truncate/discard tokens in various ways from the input stream has been introduced; 3) a form of grouping that limits the scope of your code in the traditional way, while at the same time permitting the trans- mission of the \cytoks token list across the group barrier. 4) A TeX \count that indicates your current group-depth within the input stream, which can be dynamically used to make conditional decisions in your tokcycle directives. As always, tokcycle works in both LaTeX and plain TeX.
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/tokcycle The package’s files themselves can be inspected at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/generic/tokcycle/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
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tokcycle – Build tools to process tokens from an input stream
The tokcycle package helps one to build tools to process tokens from an input stream. If a macro to process an arbitrary single token can be built, then tokcycle can provide a wrapper for cycling through an input stream (including macros, spaces, and groups) on a token-by-token basis, using the provided macro on each successive character.
tokcycle characterizes each successive token in the input stream as a Character, a Group, a Macro, or a Space. Each of these token categories are processed with a unique directive, to bring about the desired effect of the token cycle. If condition flags are provided to identify active, implicit, and catcode-6 tokens as they are digested. The package provides a number of options for handling groups.
Package | tokcycle |
Version | 1.42 2021-08-25 |
Maintainer | Steven B. Segletes |