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CTAN update: eq-pin2corr

Date: June 6, 2021 8:02:46 PM CEST
Donald P. Story submitted an update to the eq-pin2corr package. Version number: 2021-05-29 License type: lppl1.2 Summary description: Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz Announcement text:
The eq-pin2corr package Author: D. P. Story Dated: 2021-05-29 This package is an add-on to the quiz environment of the exerquiz package (part of the acrotex bundle). It adds PIN security to a quiz created by the quiz environment. To correct a quiz, the document consumer must press the Correct button of the quiz and successfully enter the correct PIN number. The PIN security is designed for the instructor to mark and record the students effort on that quiz. The package works for a the usual workflows What's New (2021-05-29) Added (optional) PIN security to the Begin Quiz button. Added (an optional) `warn and freeze' feature to a quiz. Added (an optional) \qzResetTally field that holds the number of times a student retakes any given quiz. Add (an optional) feature where the document author can set the maximum number of times a student can retake a quiz. Demo files for these features are found on the AcroTeX Blog site: http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1516 http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1519
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr More information is at https://www.ctan.org/pkg/eq-pin2corr
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun
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eq-pin2corr – Add PIN security to the “Correct” button of a quiz created by exerquiz

This package is an add-on to the quiz environment of the exerquiz package (part of the acrotex bundle). It adds PIN security to a quiz created by the quiz environment. To correct a quiz, the document consumer must press the “Correct” button of the quiz and successfully enter the correct PIN number. The PIN security is designed for the instructor to mark and record the student’s effort on that quiz.

The package works for the usual workflows.

Version 2021-05-29
Copyright2021 D. P. Story
MaintainerDonald P. Story (deceased)



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