CTAN update: lastpage
Date: March 8, 2023 4:01:46 PM CET
Hans-Martin Münch submitted an update to the
Version: 2.0a 2023-03-07
License: lppl1.3c
Summary description: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
Announcement text:
lastpage should now determine automatically, whether to load its TeX 2.09 version, classic LaTeX2e-version, or modern version with ε-TEX, hook-management etc.; mentioning \@abspage at last and in the example file \g_shipout_readonly_int
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/lastpage The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/lastpage/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
lastpage should now determine automatically, whether to load its TeX 2.09 version, classic LaTeX2e-version, or modern version with ε-TEX, hook-management etc.; mentioning \@abspage at last and in the example file \g_shipout_readonly_int
The package’s Catalogue entry can be viewed at https://ctan.org/pkg/lastpage The package’s files themselves can be inspected at https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/lastpage/
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Petra Rübe-Pugliese
CTAN is run entirely by volunteers and supported by TeX user groups. Please join a user group or donate to one, see https://ctan.org/lugs
lastpage – Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
Reference the number of pages in your LaTeX document through the introduction of a new label which can be referenced like \pageref{LastPage} to give a reference to the last page of a document. It is particularly useful in the page footer that says: Page N of M.
Package | lastpage |
Version | 2.1e 2025-01-27 |
Copyright | 2010–2025 H.-Martin Münch |
Maintainer | Hans-Martin Münch Jeffrey Goldberg (inactive) |