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CTAN update: bib2gls

Date: April 10, 2019 9:56:48 PM CEST
Nicola Talbot submitted an update to the bib2gls package. Version number: 1.9 2019-04-09 License type: gpl3+ Summary description: Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files Announcement text:
* manual: added section "Logical Divisions: type vs group vs parent" * new resource option: compact-ranges progenitor-type adopted-parent-field unknown-entry-alias save-original-entrytype field-case-change no-case-change-cs encapsulate-fields encapsulate-fields* interpret-fields replicate-missing-field-action entry-sort-fallback * new entry types: @progenitor @spawnindex @spawnindexplural @spawnentry @spawnsymbol @spawnnumber @spawnabbreviation @spawnacronym * New command line options: --warn-non-bib-fields --no-warn-non-bib-fields --warn-unknown-entry-types --no-warn-unknown-entry-types * The `type` option (and similar options that assign the `type` field) now accepts the special setting "same as parent". * The `group` option no longer requires the --group switch. * The `match` and `not-match` options now accept `original entrytype`.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/support/bib2gls More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/bib2gls We are supported by the TeX User Groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Ina Dau --

bib2gls – Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files

This Java command line application may be used to extract glossary information stored in a .bib file and convert it into glossary entry definition commands.

This application should be used with glossaries-extra.sty’s ‘record’ package option. It performs two functions in one:

  • selects entries according to records found in the .aux file (similar to bibtex),
  • hierarchically sorts entries and collates location lists (similar to makeindex or xindy).

The glossary entries can then be managed in a system such as JabRef, and only the entries that are actually required will be defined, reducing the resources required by .

The supplementary application convertgls2bib can be used to convert existing .tex files containing definitions (\newglossaryentry etc.) to the .bib format required by bib2gls.

Version4.4 2025-02-07
Copyright2017–2025 Nicola L. C. Talbot
MaintainerNicola Talbot



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