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wargame – A package to prepare hex’n’counter wargames

This package can help make classic Hex’n’Counter wargames using . The package provides tools for generating

  • Hex maps and boards
  • Counters for units, markers, and so on
  • Counter sheets
  • Order of Battle charts
  • Illustrations in the rules using the defined maps and counters

The result will often be a PDF (or set of PDFs) that contains everything one will need for a game (rules, charts, boards, counter sheets).

  • The package uses NATO App6 symbology for units.
  • The package uses NATO App6 symbology for units.
  • The package uses TikZ for most things.
  • The package supports exporting the game to a VASSAL module

See also the README.md file for more, and of course the documentation (including the tutorial in tutorial/game.pdf).

Version0.6 2024-02-03
LicensesCC BY-SA 4.0
Copyright2022 Christian Holm Christensen
MaintainerChristian Holm Christensen
TDS archivewargame.tds.zip
Contained inTeX Live as wargame
MiKTeX as wargame
TopicsPGF TikZ
Symbol support

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.7M).

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