Suggestions for boondox
The following packages have something in common with the package boondox. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- txfonts: Times-like fonts in support of mathematics
- belleek: Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
- bbold-type1: An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font
- txuprcal: Upright calligraphic font based on TX calligraphic
- mathdesign: Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts
- esint-type1: Font esint10 in Type 1 format
- mathabx-type1: Outline version of the mathabx fonts
- ulsy-ps: Extra mathematical characters in Adobe Type 1 format
- esrelation: Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs
- cmll: Symbols for linear logic
- esstix: PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support
- msym: A partial implementation of the old msym10 font
- mathpazo: Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino
- mnsymbol: Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
- txfontsb: Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont
- yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
- newtxsf: Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
- libertinust1math: A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
- fge: A font for Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
- stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts
- amsfonts: TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
- cmupint: Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
- old-arrows: Computer Modern old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads
- gfsneohellenicmath: A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style
- kerkis: Kerkis (Greek) font family
- fdsymbol: A maths symbol font
- notomath: Math support for Noto fonts
- kpfonts: A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
- doublestroke: Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
- mdsymbol: Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
- bboldx: Extension of the bbold package with a Blackboard Bold alphabet