Suggestions for hduThesiS
The following packages have something in common with the package hduThesiS. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- hfutthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
- buctthesis: Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
- nwafuthesis: A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China
- bithesis: Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology
- easybook: Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
- fduthesis: LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University
- nxuthesis: Thesis template for Ningxia University
- se2thesis: A Thesis Class for the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany
- cqubeamer: LaTeX Beamer Template for Chongqing University
- bjfuthesis: A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
- thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University
- hithesis: Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
- bfh-ci: Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
- mitthesis: A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis
- xduts: Xidian University TeX Suite
- hitreport: Harbin Institute of Technology Report LaTeX Template
- njuthesis: LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University
- hanzibox: Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
- zitie: Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets
- ucalgmthesis: LaTeX thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies
- unbtex: A class for theses at University of Brasilia (UnB)
- ualberta: A LaTeX template for the University of Alberta
- beautynote: A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of LaTeX templates, with elegant chapter
- beautybook: A beautiful book template for maths and science
- litetable: Class schedules with colorful course blocks
- thucoursework: Coursework template for Tsinghua University
- resumecls: Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese
- bhcexam: An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
- xecjk: Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
- exam-zh: LaTeX template for Chinese exams
- zbmath-review-template: Template for a zbMATH Open review