Directory graphics/mma2ltx
------------- MMA2LTX v1.23 ------------- Introduction ------------ MMA2LTX is a program which allows to Mathematica user to include the graphics produced by Mathematica in a LaTeX document using own LaTeX fonts and symbols for labels. To obtain the manual print the PostScript file ``'' or ``''. Distribution Files ------------------ This archive contains the following files: msdos/mma2ltx.exe Binary executable for MS/DOS msdos/extpro.exe Binary executable for MS/DOS amiga/mma2ltx Binary executable for the Amiga amiga/extpro Binary executable for the Amiga mma2ltx.c C source of mma2ltx extpro.c C source of extpro mmatext.sty LaTeX macros file texmma22.lpro Mathematica v2.2 PostScript prologue file Squeezed version of `texmma22.lpro' mmawhite.eps A PostScript file needed to mmatext.sty Makefile Makefile for Unix makefile.ami Makefile for the Amiga makefile.msc Makefile for MS/DOS doc/mma2ltx.dvi Documentation of mma2ltx (DVI form) doc/ Documentation of mma2ltx (PostScript form at 300 dpi) doc/ Documentation of mma2ltx (PostScript form at 600 dpi) doc/6mag.eps Mma2ltx EPSF file (needed to `mma2ltx.dvi') doc/12mag.eps Mma2ltx EPSF file (needed to `mma2ltx.dvi') doc/12mag_3d.eps Mma2ltx EPSF file (needed to `mma2ltx.dvi') doc/optc.eps Mma2ltx EPSF file (needed to `mma2ltx.dvi') doc/arrsamp.eps Mma2ltx EPSF file (needed to `mma2ltx.dvi') doc/arrparm.1 Mma2ltx EPSF file (needed to `mma2ltx.dvi') mysample.tex A sample file A sample picture created by Mathematica mypic.tex The file as processed by mma2ltx mypic.eps The file as processed by mma2ltx README This file. Distribution/Disclaimer ----------------------- MMA2LTX is SHAREWARE. If you find it useful (or continue using it longer than a week) please consider paying a fee to the author (see section 4 [Distribution/Disclaimer] and 14 [Author info] of the documentation for further info). MMA2LTX is Copyright (C) 1994, 1995 by Giuseppe Ghibo`. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLICIT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. YOU ARE USING IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. This software may be freely distributed and copied as long as the following conditions are acknowledged: - All parts of the program and the documentation must be left intact in any ways. - The distribution of single parts is not allowed. The repacking of this distribution with other packers/archivers is, however, allowed. Author info ----------- If you have some questions, suggestions, comments, bug report or enhancement requests, please feel free to contact me at <>. History ------- version 1.23: - Added option -a to draw arrows on axes of a 2D graphic. - Fixed a bug in the style mmatext.sty. version 1.22: - Fixed a small bug which cause 'segmentation fault' under Linux. - Use of perror() instead of strerror(). version 1.21: - Possibility to use newer prologue files from Mathematica. - Added support for multiple -c options. - Added option -e. - Fixed a bug in the function strtolwr(). version 1.2: - Added support to obtain non-transfparent objects. Now ojects (strings, pictures, ..., can be placed to overlap the background graphic, i.e. as if they were dull. - Added PostScript documentation for 600 printers. - Added binary executable for the Amiga. version 1.1: - First public release.
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mma2ltx – Use Mathematica graphics in a LaTeX document
The program allows the Mathematica user to include the graphics produced by Mathematica in a LaTeX document using the LaTeX document’s fonts and symbols for labels.
Package | mma2ltx |
Version | 1.23 |
Licenses | Shareware: A fee is required |
Copyright | 1994, 1995 Giuseppe Ghibo |
Maintainer | Giuseppe Ghibo |
Topics | Graphics include |
See also | psfrag |