Directory info/lshort/mongolian/lshort-mongol
The not so Short Introduction to LaTeX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ by Tobias Oetiker <> If you want to learn how to write your documents with LaTeX, this introduction is for you. It is not about setting up a LaTeX system. While it is not as comprehensive as Lamport's book, it should be sufficient in most cases. To print the document, there are several possibilities: a) Copy one of the ps files to your printer: A4/booklet/duplex NOTE for Abt IIIB: you can print the booklet version to the VPP printer with vpp -dest=etzj61 or vpp -dest=etzd96 b) Print the lshort2e.dvi file with a dvi-driver. (You need to have the AMS math fonts installed your system. If you don't, your dvi-driver will complain.) c) Rebuild the whole document from scratch by LaTeXing lshort2e.tex. (If you don't have the AMS classes installed, the relevant parts of the document will be left out, but it will format without problem. After latexing the document twice, you should use makeindex to generate a new index file. (to get the adobe euro symbol right you need to install the as described in The preformatted versions of the document are set for double sided printing on A4 paper. If you want a single sided version, you need to replace "twoside" by "oneside" in the parameters list of the \documentclass command in lshort2e.tex. To produce a small booklet (A5) you can use the pre generated ps file of you can use your dvi-driver to shrink the output and then use pstops to paste the resulting pages together in the right order. To produce a A5 Booklet from source, I recommend the following procedure, on the twoside lshort2e.dvi: *) dvips -x800 -P?? lshort.dvi (?? is the name of the printer you want to print the booklet) *) psbook *) pstops "4:0L(27.8cm,-1.5cm)+1L(27.8cm,13.3cm)" ( now contains the front pages) *) pstops "4:2L(27.8cm,-1.5cm)+3L(27.8cm,13.3cm)" ( contains the back pages) If have a doublex(shoprtbind) Printer: *) pstops "4:0L(27.8cm,-1.5cm)+1L(27.8cm,13.3cm),2L(27.8cm,-1.5cm)+3L(27.8cm,13.3cm)" If you have postscript versions of the latex Fonts you can use (make sure your printer has enough memmory for this) *) dvips -Pcmz lshort.dvi *) psbook *) pstops "4:0L@0.8(22.76cm,-0.6cm)+1L@0.8(22.76cm,13.45cm),3R@0.8(-1.38cm,16.25cm)+2R@0.8(-1.38cm,30.3cm)" Cheers Tobias Oetiker PS: If you have any comment, or just find the book helpful, please let me know.
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lshort-mongol – Short introduction to LaTeX, in Mongolian
A translation of Oetiker’s Not so short introduction.
Package | lshort-mongol |
Version | 4.26 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License |
Maintainer | Dorjgotov Batumongke |
Contained in | TeX Live as lshort-mongol |
Topics | Mongolian documentation Tutorial LaTeX |