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Directory macros/generic/lambda-lists

This is the lambda-lists package by Alan Jeffrey, for doing lists and
lambda calculus via expandable macros (a.k.a. in TeX's mouth).

For historical reasons, the code is available in a file named
lambda.sty; it runs under both plain TeX and LaTeX.  It is unrelated to
the lambda format that is part of Omega.

The documentation is in lambda-lists.{tex,pdf}.  It was originally
published as an article in TUGboat, vol.11, no.2, pp.237-245.

The entire package is released under the LPPL.  It consists of this
README, lambda.sty, lambda-lists.tex, and the derived file

Web page with contact info: http://ect.bell-labs.com/who/ajeffrey.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (130.1k).

lambda-lists – Lists in 's mouth

These list-processing macros avoid the reassignments employed in the macros shown in Appendix D of the book: all the manipulations take place in what Knuth is pleased to call “’s mouth”.

Version 2013-08-06
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright1990–2013 Alan Jeffrey
MaintainerAlan Jeffrey (deceased)
Contained inTeX Live as lambda-lists
MiKTeX as lambda-lists
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