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Directory macros/latex/contrib/boxhandler

  The boxhandler package

  Tools for Optimizing Captions, Presentation, and Placement 
  of Tables and Figures

This package facilitates the optimized presentation of LaTeX tables and
figures.  Not only can boxhandler conveniently lay out table and figure
captions with a wide variety of stylistic appearances, but allows for
figures and tables to be ``wrapped'' in a manner consistent with many
business and government documents. 

For a document that might appear in different venues with different
formatting, boxhandler very powerfully permits the creation of a LaTeX
source document that can, with a single-line change in the source code,
produce an output that has vastly different layout from the baseline
configuration, not only in terms of caption style, but more importantly
in terms of the locations where figures, tables and lists appear (or
not) in the document.

Deferral routines also allow one to keep all figure and table data in a
separate source file, while nonetheless producing a document with
figures and tables appearing in the desired location in the document.

Compatibility with the hyperref package is available with V1.30.

Run `boxhandler.ins' through LaTeX to produce boxhandler.sty 
     from boxhandler.dtx.
Run `boxhandler.dtx' through LaTeX to produce the documentation.

This program can be redistributed and/or modified, with attribution.

                          Steven Segletes <steven.b.segletes@mail.mil>
                          18 October 2012

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (342.4k).

boxhandler – Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing

The package allows the user to optimise presentation of tables and figures. Boxhandler will lay out table and figure captions with a variety of stylistic apperances, and will also allow figures and tables to be “wrapped” in a manner consistent with many business and government documents.

For a document that might appear in different venues with different formatting, boxhandler permits the creation of a source document that can, with a single-line change in the source code, produce an output that has very different layout from the baseline configuration, not only in terms of caption style, but more importantly in terms of the locations where figures, tables and lists appear (or not) in the document.

Deferral routines also allow one to keep all figure and table data in a separate source file, while nonetheless producing a document with figures and tables appearing in the desired location.

LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2008 Steven B. Segletes
MaintainerSteven B. Segletes
Contained inTeX Live as boxhandler
MiKTeX as boxhandler
Defer stuff
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