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Directory macros/latex/contrib/letterswitharrows

The letterswitharrows package
Copyright 2019-2021 J. M. Teegen

The letterswitharrows package provides LaTeX math-mode commands for setting left and right arrows over mathematical symbols, so that the arrows dynamically scale with the symbols.
While it is possible to set arrows over longer strings of symbols, the focus lies on single characters.

For more information, please consult the package documentation in letterswitharrows.pdf

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (473.0k).

letterswitharrows – Draw arrows over math letters

This package provides math-mode commands for setting left and right arrows over mathematical symbols so that the arrows dynamically scale with the symbols. While it is possible to set arrows over longer strings of symbols, the focus lies on single characters.

Version 2021-07-19
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2019–2021 J. M. Teegen
MaintainerMaximilian Teegen
Contained inTeX Live as letterswitharrows
MiKTeX as letterswitharrows
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