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Directory macros/latex/contrib/multenum

multienum is a package for writing enumerations with several items per
line, vertically aligned.  For example, writing (short) solutions to

The author is Dennis Kletzing, dkletzing (at) cfl (dot) rr (dot) com.

All files in the multienum package are released under the LaTeX Project
Public License, version 1 or (at your option) any later version.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (108.4k).

multenum – Multi-column enumerated lists

Defines an environment multienumerate, that produces an enumerated array in which columns are vertically aligned on the counter. The motivation was lists of answers for a text book, where there are many rather small items; the multienumerate environment goes some way to making such lists look neater.

Version 1997-10-23
LicensesThe Project Public License 1
MaintainerDennis Kletzing
Contained inTeX Live as multenum
MiKTeX as multenum
TopicsList enumumerate
See alsoshortlst
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