Directory macros/latex/contrib/nicefilelist
README for the `nicefilelist' package \listfiles Alignment with Date and Version Columns © Uwe Lück 2012/10/30 (deceased June 2020, 2023-02-13 v0.9b patched by H.-Martin Münch, original package version 0.7a has been archived at latex/contrib/ While `longnamefilelist.sty' improves LaTeX's \listfiles with respect to long base file-names only, the present `nicefilelist.sty' can keep separate columns for (i) date (ii) version, and (iii) "caption" (don't write caption text in date column), their alignment not being disturbed by short file-name extensions such as `.fd'. This is achieved basing on the `monofill' package. v0.7 offers a package option `[wrap]' for automatic word wrapping within the caption column, using the `hardwrap' package, so file-names and captions can be quite long without disturbing the alignment. v0.9a offers a package option `[autolength]' for automatic sizing of the columns, using the `xstring' package. As opposed to the `dateiliste' package, this is about the plain text output in the `.log' file or, with `myfilist', as a stand- alone plain text file. The package `latexfileinfo-pkgs' describes `nicefilelist' in a more general context. A file `nicefilelist.RLS' provides release information accessible by packages described there. LICENSE: The package file `nicefilelist.sty' and the documentation files `nicefilelist.pdf' and `nicefilelist.tex' can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either version 1.3c of the License, or any later version, see There is NO WARRANTY -- no responsibility can be accepted when your monitor bursts. The `nicefilelist' package is author-maintained in the sense of this license. The latest public version of the package is available at A TDS version of the package is available at
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (606.0k).
nicefilelist – Provide \listfiles alignment
The package extends longnamefilelist, keeping separate columns for date, version and “caption” (the caption now separately listed). Alignment is not disturbed by short file name extensions, such as “.fd”.
The package is not compatible with longnamefilelist: users need to re-read the documentation.
Package | nicefilelist |
Version | 0.9b 2023-02-13 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c |
Copyright | 2012 Uwe Lück |
Maintainer | Uwe Lück (deceased) |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as nicefilelist MiKTeX as nicefilelist |
Topics | Document Management |