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Directory macros/latex/contrib/perfectcut

perfectcut.sty --- Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless
of the contents.

This package defines the command \perfectcut#1#2 which displays a
bracket <#1||#2>. Various delimiters are similarly defined. The effect
of these commands is to let the delimiters grow according to the number
of nested \perfectcommands (regardless of the size of the contents).

The package is originally intended for solving a notational issue
regarding the representation of abstract-machine-like calculi in proof
theory and computer science. For general use, the package also defines
commands for defining custom delimiters that behave in the same way.

This package also offers a sound reimplementation of \big, \bigg, etc.

Release notes:

  2.3 07/17: * When using scalerel, only use \ThisStyle for the outermost
               command due to performance issues.
  2.2 04/17: * By default, use the scalerel package instead of the mathstyle
               package to compute the nested mathstyle.
             * The option nomathstyle and the command \cutstyle are
             * The option mathstyle is introduced, to use when scalerel is
               too slow.
  2.1 06/15: * the spacing inside cases can be contolled with \cutcasebarskip
             * corrected a bug where vertical bars would shrink horizontally
             * corrected the spacing of middle delimiters
  2.0 11/14: * The package now offers general-purpose commands for
               defining arbitrary nested delimiters that consistently
               grow regardless of the contents (\perfectunary and
             * Added the behaviours CurrentHeight and
               CurrentHeightPlusOne alongside the existing behaviour
             * Added the stock commands \perfectcase, \perfectparens,
               and \perfectbrackets intended for use in the context
               of abstract-machine-like calculi.
 1.9b 05/14: added the option fixxits to fix vertical alignment with the
             XITS math font.
  1.9 02/14: added \perfectcut,\perfectbra,\perfectket; fixed bug with graphicx
             not being included; publication on CTAN.
  1.8 01/14: added documentation (no new feature).
  1.7 11/13: added \cutangleouterskip.
  1.6 10/13: new commands \cutbraprimitive and \cutketprimitive.
  1.5 09/13: possible to disable mathstyle (option nomathstyle, see
             the warning below).
  1.4 08/13: possible to choose between \vert\vert and \Vert (option realVert)
             (\cutinterbarskip is used only with the former).
  1.3 08/13: fixes the alignment of angles with the math axis.
  1.2 06/13: first public release.

Author: Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni

This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
or (at your option) any later version.
The latest version of this license is in:
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
2005/12/01 or later.

The work consists in the files "perfectcut.sty", "perfectcut.lyx",
"perfectcut.tex", and the derived files.

This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
The Current Maintainer of this work is Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (167.5k).

perfectcut – Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents

This package defines the command \perfectcut#1#2 which displays a bracket <#1||#2>. Various other delimiters are similarly defined (parentheses, square brackets ...). The effect of these commands is to let the delimiters grow according to the number of nested \perfectcommands (regardless of the size of the contents).

The package was originally intended for solving a notational issue for direct-style continuation calculi in proof theory. For general use, the package also defines commands for defining other sorts of delimiters which will behave in the same way (see example in the documentation). The package also offers a robust reimplementation of \big, \bigg, etc.

Home pagehttps://gitlab.com/gadmm/perfectcut
Bug trackerhttps://gitlab.com/gadmm/perfectcut/-/issues
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
MaintainerGuillaume Munch-Maccagnoni
Contained inTeX Live as perfectcut
MiKTeX as perfectcut
TopicsComputer theory
Parentheses management
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