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Directory macros/latex/contrib/prftree

The prftree package provides a package to write proof trees for
natural deduction calculi, sequent-like calculi, and similar.

The package is composed by the filed
- prftree.sty: containing the LaTeX engine to typeset proof trees;
- prftreedoc.pdf: the human readable documentation for the package;
- prftreedoc.tex: the source code for the documentation.

The package is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (366.7k).

prftree – Macros for building proof trees

A package to typeset proof trees for natural deduction calculi, sequent-like calculi, and similar.

Version1.6 2019-06-19
LicensesGNU General Public License
MaintainerMarco Benini
Contained inTeX Live as prftree
MiKTeX as prftree
See alsoproofs
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