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Directory macros/latex/contrib/prosper

CVSId: $Id: README,v 1.5 2001/10/24 15:11:25 exupery Exp $

                 A LaTeX class to produce high quality slides

See the documentation in doc/prosper-doc.pdf for a user manual. Read
the INSTALL file for installing the class on your system.

The contrib/ directory contains prosper styles contributed by various authors.

See file TROUBLESHOOTINGS for solutions to common problems.


Many thanks to the following courageous beta-testers who provided me with 
bug reports and numerous suggestions for improvement in fakeppt and prosper. 
Extra thanks go to Vincent Dubois for suggesting me defining \FromSlide, 
\OnlySlide,... macros.

Vincent Dubois	  <Vincent.Dubois@irin.univ-nantes.fr>
Ga�tan Gaumer 	  <Gaetan.Gaumer@irin.univ-nantes.fr>
Eric Langu�nou	  <Eric.Languenou@irin.univ-nantes.fr>
Pascal Poizat     <Pascal.Poizat@irin.univ-nantes.fr>
Gy�m Raschia 	  <Guillaume.Raschia@irin.univ-nantes.fr>
Vincent Rossignol <Vincent.Rossignol@irin.univ-nantes.fr>

Last but not least, many users on the prosper-users list provided us with 
advices and invaluable feedback.

Bug reports and suggestions for improvements

Please go to the homepage of prosper at Source Forge and fill the appropriate
forms there for either bug reports or suggestions for improvements:


If you plan to use Prosper on a regular basis, you should consider subscribing
to the lists prosper-users and prosper-announcement (see the homepage).

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (602.4k).

prosper – class for high quality slides

Prosper is a class for writing transparencies. It is written as an extension of the seminar class by Timothy Van Zandt.

Prosper offers a friendly environment for creating slides for both presentations with an overhead projector and a video projector. Slides prepared for a presentation with a computer and a video projector may integrate animation effects, incremental display, and so on. Various visual styles are supported (including some that mimic PowerPoint) and others are being contributed.

LicensesThe Project Public License 1.2
MaintainerFrederic Goualard
Contained inTeX Live as prosper
MiKTeX as prosper
See alsoha-prosper
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