Directory macros/latex/contrib/seminar
------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTE With the agreement of Timothy Van Zandt (now, the distributions conditions on seminar are now relaxed to: %% %% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of %% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license %% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this %% license is in: %% %% %% %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version %% 1999/12/01 or later. %% June 3rd 1999 (last updated September 2005) Sebastian Rahtz <> Denis Girou <> Herbert Voß <> (Tim's helpers on earth) ------------------------------------------------------- %% BEGIN *********************************************************************** **** "readme" file for seminar.cls package, v1.0, 93/04/01 **** *********************************************************************** COPYRIGHT 1993, by Timothy Van Zandt DESCRIPTION: seminar.sty is a LaTeX document style for typesetting slides or transparencies, and accompanying notes. It has many advantages over SliTeX. Here are some of the style's special features: * It is a LaTeX style, rather than another format. * It is compatible with AmS-LaTeX. * You can use any fonts that work with LaTeX, including PostScript fonts and AmSFonts. * Slides can be landscape and portrait within the same file. * Color is supported through PostScript. * The slides can have a frame and a colored background. * The magnification can be changed with a single command. * Overlays can be produced from a single slide environment. * Accompanying notes, such as the text of a presentation, can be put outside the slide environments. The slides, notes or both together can then be typeset in a variety of formats. Some of these features require a PostScript output device. FILES: LaTeX: seminar.cls : The main class file. seminar.sty : The main style file. seminar.con : The main config file. sem-page.sty : Page parameters. semlayer.sty : The semlayer style option (overlays and color layers). semhelv.sty : The semhelv style option . semlcmss.sty : The semlcmss style option. semcolor.sty : The semcolor style option. semrot.sty : THe semrot style option. slidesec.sty : The slidesec style option. sem-a4.sty : The sem-a4 style option. xcomment.sty : The macros for omitting notes. 2up.tex : Macros for printing documents two-up. 2up.sty : The same as 2up.tex, but with .sty extension. npsfont.sty : Macros for defining new PostScript fonts with the NFSS. fancybox.sty : Box tips and tricks for LaTeX. Documentation: sem-user.tex : User's guide for seminar.sty. sem-user.ind : Index for sem-user.tex. semsamp1.tex : A sample document for seminar.sty. semsamp2.tex : Another sample document for seminar.sty. 2up.doc : Documentation for 2up.tex. fancybox.doc : Documentation for fancybox.sty. tvz-hax.sty : For typesetting sem-user.tex and sem-code.tex. tvz-code.sty : For typesetting sem-code.tex. tvz-user.sty : For typesetting sem-user.tex. : This file. read-me.pst : The read-me file for the PSTricks package. Sources: seminar.doc : Documented code for seminar.sty. semlayer.doc : Documented code for semlayer.sty. xcomment.doc : Documented code for xcomment.sty. sem-make.tex : For extracting code from seminar.doc and semlayer.doc. sem-code.tex : For typesetting seminar.doc and semlayer.doc. xc-make.tex : For extracting code from xcomment.doc. xcomment.tex : For typesetting xcomment.doc. GETTING STARTED: 1. Put the input files in a directory where your TeX looks for inputs. 2. Typeset and print sem-user.tex. 3. Read the preface "Getting Started", and then the appendices. 4. Typeset semsamp1.tex and semsamp2.tex. 5 If upgrading from v0.92, see the changes listed at the end of this file. If upgrading from v0.91 or earlier, good luck. HACKERS: The files seminar.doc, semlayer.doc and xcomment.doc contain the documented code, using Frank Mittelbach's doc system. See sem-code.tex and xcomment.tex for instructions on typesetting these files. See sem-make.tex and xc-make.tex for instruction on extracting stripped input (.sty) files from these .doc files. MORE ABOUT THE SUPPLEMENTAL STYLES AND MACROS: The following styles and macros are not specifically for use with seminar.sty, and hence are not described in detail in the seminar.sty User's Guide. You do not need to read the documentation of these files in order to use seminar.sty. If you have versions on your system that are older than the ones distributed with seminar.sty, be sure to replace these. FANCYBOX.STY: fancybox.sty is a LaTeX style option with tips and tricks for LR-box commands. The documentation, fancybox.doc, is extensive. 2UP.TEX: 2up.tex/2up.sty contains macros for typesetting documents in a two-up format. seminar.sty's \twoup command provides an interface. 2up.doc is the documentation for 2up.tex. NPSFONT.STY: npsfont.sty contains macros for defining new PostScript fonts with the New Font Selection Scheme. The documentation is in npsfont.sty itself. XCOMMENT.STY: xcomment.sty, a LaTeX style option, permits one to typeset only selected environments, omitting input outside these environments. See xcomment.tex if you want to typeset the documentation. SLIDESEC.STY slidesec.sty is an experimental file contains sectioning commands for slide type documents. The documentation is in slidesec.sty itself. SEMINAR.STY AND PSTRICKS.TEX: pstricks.tex is a collection of PostScript macros that is compatible with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX and LaTeX. Included are macros for color, graphics, rotation, overlays, nodes and much more. seminar.sty, combined with the semcolor option, the PSTricks package, and your favorite macros for including EPS files, make a complete TeX presentation software package. You can probably obtain the PSTricks package from wherever you got the Seminar package, or try Princeton.EDU:/pub or Princeton.EDU:/pub/tvz You must install the PSTricks package before using the semcolor option. seminar.sty will work with pstricks.tex v0.92, and maybe later versions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The author is thankful to Frank Mittelbach for his documentation system. Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz for bits of advice, and many users for comments and bug reports. BUGS: Too many to list, and who knows what they are anyway. These files are all preliminary and unstable. Not responsible for neck injuries. Thanks. CHANGES: v1.0: Included sem-a4.sty file, as a way to let the default papersize be A4 (The a4 option still works). Added \epsfslidesize to make it easier to set the slide of eps files with epsf.sty. Fixed bug which caused the width of second pages of a multi-page slide to end up too small if the page only contained a quote or similar environment with reduced margins. v0.93a: Fixed bugs so that slides would come out properly with the 2-up,article and portrait options (together), and so that slides would be positioned correctly with the portrait style option. v0.93: INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES: ! Use the a4 option instead of sem-a4. There is not longer a separate file for a4. ! No more \fewnotes, \nonotes. Use \slideplacement instead. ! No more \layerstyle, \overlaystyle. ! Slide styles are now "left" and "bottom". ! No more \ifslides. Use \ifarticle\else. ! You must now use the semlayer option to use overlays (in addition to the semcolor option). ! No "down" slide rotation (only "none", "left" and "right". ! portrait option is no longer a separate file. ! \paperwidth and \paperheight are now ordinary commands, to be set with \renewcommand. ! \slidefonts is now always invoked in slide environments, and never in the preamble. (But semhelv.sty and semlcmss.sty have changed to reflect this.) ! Method for customizing the slide frames has changed. \slideframecolor, \slideframearc, \slidefillcolor and \slideshadowcolor are obsolete. ! \landscape command replaced by \printlandscape to avoid conflict with other style files. (E.g., \def\printlandscape{\special{landscape}}). NEW FEATURES: + A slide environment can have multiple `pages'. \extraslideheight{len} controls page cutting. See user's guide for details. + \centerslidestrue (default) causes the contents of partially full slides to be vertically centered in the slide. \centerslidesfalse causes it to be flush top. + New \raggedslides[len] command, for setting whether right margin in slides is ragged or justified. Default is \raggedslides. \raggedslides[0pt] gives justified slides. + \slideplacement + \onlynotestoo + \slideskip and \slideshrink for added control over interline space. + New: \slideleftmargini, \slideleftmarginii, \slideleftmarginiii, \slidelabelsep, \slideitemsep, \slidepartopsep, \slideparskip, \slideparindent, \slidefootins, \slidefootnotesep, \slidedisplayskips, \theslidefootnote + \input and \endinput now supported for the slidesonly selection. + New conditional: \ifportrait + \newslideframe + \leftsliderotation, \rightsliderotation. + New \slidetopmargin, \slidebottommargin, \slideleftmargin, \sliderightmargin. + New notesonly* selection. + New \slidesclearpagetrue + New \semcm and \semin. + New note environment and \noxcomment command, as an alternative to treating everything outside slide environments as notes. BACKWARDS-COMPATIBLE CHANGES: * \maketitle now uses LaTeX's default from article.sty in notes. * Bug in article option with the \twoup command fixed. * \topmargin in sem-a4 changed from -.75in to 1in. * \slidefontsizes is obsolete (but still works). Use \ptsize instead. * Page parameters are now in a separate file sem-page.sty. sem-a4.sty has been changed to reflect this. v0.92: Mostly bug fixes, plus some extra options. The PSTricks package is no longer distributed with seminar.sty. Pre v0.91: Entirely rewritten. Too many changes to list. Note especially that system of formats and selections has changed. %% END THIS IS A SUPPLEMENTARY READ-ME FOR V1.0e OF THE SEMINAR PACKAGE *********************************************************************** **** "readme" file for the Seminar package, v1.0e, 94/09/12 **** *********************************************************************** COPYRIGHT 1993, 1994 by Timothy Van Zandt, %% %% These files may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of %% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license %% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this %% license is in: %% %% %% %% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version %% 1999/12/01 or later. %% BUGS: If you have problems using this seminar package with LaTeX2e, report them to The problem probably lies with seminar.cls. You can probably continue to use the seminar package with LaTeX2e in compatibility mode, while waiting for a bug fix, by renaming seminar.cls to something else. ABOUT V1.0e: The V1.0e distribution is identical to v1.0 of 93/04/01, except for a few changes so that Seminar can work with NFSS2 and LaTeX2e: - semhelv.sty and semlcmss.sty have been modified to work with NFSS2 and LaTeX2e (but they still work with NFSS). - seminar.cls has been added. This is a LaTeX2e document class, derived from seminar.sty v1.0 by Sebastian Rahtz. If you already have have seminar.sty v1.0e, then all you need are this read-me file plus these files from the inputs directory: seminar.cls semhelv.sty semlcmss.sty USING SEMINAR WITH LATEX2E: !!! YOU MUST BE USING A LATEX2E RELEASED AFTER 19 FEBRUARY 1994 You can either use seminar.sty in compatibility mode: \documentstyle{seminar} Or use the seminar.cls document class: \documentclass{seminar} Unless you are using other macros that only work in compatibility mode, you might as well use the document class. You can use the following options with \documentclass{seminar}: article slidesonly notes notesonly notesonly* noxcomment portrait a4 (or a4paper) semhelv semlcmss semlayer semrot semcolor slidesec plus appropriate options for the article document class (e.g., 11pt) NOTE: Use `a4' or `a4paper', not `sem-a4'. `seminar.cls' is a minimal modification of seminar.sty. The next release will take advantage of more of LaTeX2e's special capabilities. Tim Van Zandt August 24, 1994
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (419.6k).
seminar – Make overhead slides
A class that produces overhead slides (transparencies), with many facilities. The class requires availability of the fancybox package.
Seminar is also the basis of other classes, such as prosper. In fact, seminar is not nowadays reckoned a good basis for a presentation — users are advised to use more recent classes such as powerdot or beamer, both of which are tuned to 21st-century presentation styles.
Note that the seminar distribution relies on the xcomment package, which was once part of the bundle, but now has a separate existence.
Package | seminar |
Version | 1.63a |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.2 |
Copyright | 1993, 1994 Timothy Van Zandt |
Maintainer | Herbert Voß Denis Girou (inactive) Timothy Van Zandt (inactive) Sebastian Rahtz (deceased) |
Contained in | TeX Live as seminar MiKTeX as seminar |
Topics | Presentation |
See also | foiltex slidenotes |