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Directory macros/latex/contrib/urcls



classes & packages to use the corporate Design of the University of Regensburg using .

Copyright (C) Marei Peischl <tex@mareipeischl.de>, 2014–2019

urcls 2019/01/31 v2.1

This material is subject to the Project Public License version 1.3c or later. See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.


The urcls-bundle provides beamer and scrlttr2 derived classes to use the Corporate Design of the University of Regensburg. It also contains several packages to provide the specific colorbars and also a general option processing mechanism for all Packages.

Version 2.0 also includes the packages URrules and URpagestyles, which provide access to the colorbars outside the URbeamer and URletter classes. URpagestyles also creates Titlepagelayouts as well as a colored Version of rules to be used inside a Document, e.g. as separation rules for the headline.

To Compile the DEMO-files one might need the Logos (Only available from the network of the University of Regensburg).

Link to the github repository


This work consists of the files

urcls package and class files

  • URbeamer.cls v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • beamerthemeUR.sty v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • beamercolorthemeUR.sty v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • beamerfontthemeUR.sty v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • beamerouterthemeUR.sty v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • URletter.cls v2.1(2018/10/19)
  • URspecialopts v2.1 (2019/01/22)
  • URoptions v2.0 (2017/04/05)

urcls example files

  • URpagestyles-DEMO.tex v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • URbeamer-DEMO.tex v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • URletter-DEMO.tex v2.0(2017/04/05)
  • URadressdaten-DEMO.lco v2.0(2017/04/05)


v2.0 (2017/04/06)

  • added a generalized mechanism for the colorbars using URrules
  • beamertheme UR is now useable without the URbeamer.cls
  • added a specific option-processing-mechanism by introducing the URspecialopts package
  • adding the URpagestyles package
  • bugfix

v1.1 (2015/06/15)

  • bugfix and added Lua-Support

v1.0 (2015/01/29)

  • first CTAN version of the urcls-bundle

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (920.6k).

urcls – Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg

The bundle provides a beamer-derived class and a theme style file for the corporate design of the University of Regensburg.

It also contains a scrlttr2-derived class for letters using the corporate design of the UR. Users may use the class itself (URbeamer) or use the theme in the usual way with \usetheme{UR}.

Examples of using both letters and presentations are provided as .tex and .pdf-files.

Version2.1 2019-01-31
LicensesThe Project Public License
Copyright2014–2019 Marei Peischl
MaintainerMarei Peischl
Contained inTeX Live as urcls
MiKTeX as urcls
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