CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

CTAN update: pdfx

Date: February 7, 2016 10:17:32 AM CET
Ross Moore submitted an update to the pdfx package. Version number: 1.5.6 License type: lppl Summary description: PDF/X-1a and PDF/A-1b support for pdfTeX Announcement text:
Updates pdfx.sty to version 1.5.6. This implements everything described in the TUGboat article (Volume 36, No.2, pp.136--142) plus a little bit more. * There are better techniques for handling color profiles under both Windows and Mac. * Accent-macros and some special characters are supported in XMP metadata. * The spurious '?' in metadata-packet header is gone. * Some known LuaTeX difficulties are removed.
This package is located at http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/pdfx More information is at http://www.ctan.org/pkg/pdfx We are supported by the TeX users groups. Please join a users group; see http://www.tug.org/usergroups.html .
Thanks for the upload. For the CTAN Team Erik Braun

pdfx – PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdf, Lua and

The package helps users to create PDF/X, PFD/A and other standards-compliant PDF documents with pdf, Lua and .

Copyright2008–2019 CV Radhakrishnan and Hàn Thế Thành
MaintainerRoss Moore
C. V. Radhakrishnan (inactive)
Peter Selinger (inactive)
Hàn Thế Thành (inactive)



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