CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

indic-type1 – Indic Type 1 fonts converted from public sources

Adobe Type 1 version of public fonts (from CTAN) for 10 Indic scripts: Devanagari, Sanskrit, Gurmukhi/Punjabi, Bangla, Tamil, Sinhala, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tibetan.

The fonts derive from an accurate analytic conversion to outlines using output, with subsequent optimization and autohinting with FontForge.

The package contains the PFB and map files for 122 fonts, the copies of the TFM files have been also included to allow testing the fonts without the original packages.

For font tables, proofsheet files and other information see the package home page.

LicensesGNU General Public License, version 2
MaintainerKarel Píška
Contained inMiKTeX as indic-type1
TopicsIndic Font
Font Type1

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