Suggestions for hypdoc
The following packages have something in common with the package hypdoc. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- hyper: Hypertext cross referencing
- hypernat: Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
- backref: Make hyper-references back from bibliography to citation
- morehype: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX
- breakurl: Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf
- gmiflink: Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink
- uri: Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs
- doi: Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
- aurl: Extends the hyperref package with a mechanism for hyperlinked URLs abbreviated with prefixes
- hypdvips: Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
- hypdestopt: Hyperref destination optimizer
- bookmark: A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
- hrefhide: Suppress hyper links when printing
- footnotebackref: Back-references from footnotes
- issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones
- pdfscreen: Support screen-based document design
- hypbmsec: Hypertext bookmarks in sectioning commands
- intopdf: Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
- rorlink: Create ROR symbols which links to the given ROR-IDs
- hypcap: Adjusting the anchors of captions
- xr-hyper: Inter-document hyper-references
- memhfixc: Adjustment for using hyperref in memoir documents
- makedoc: Preprocessing documentation with TeX
- compsci: Document (LaTeX) programming with LaTeX
- colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation
- docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code
- doctools: Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code
- fcltxdoc: Macros for use in the author's documentation
- gmdoc-enhance: Some enhancements to the gmdoc package
- keystroke: Graphical representation of keys on keyboard
- ltxdockit: Documentation support