Suggestions for interpreter
The following packages have something in common with the package interpreter. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- luaxml: Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
- odsfile: Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
- addtoluatexpath: Add paths to Lua packages and input TeX files
- lua-visual-debug: Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
- tsvtemplate: Apply a template to a tsv file
- lualibs: Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
- fotex: Process XSL-FO
- opbible: Creating a study Bible with OpTeX
- chinese-jfm: Luatexja-jfm files for Chinese typesetting
- luatexja: Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
- commado: Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists
- arrayjobx: Array data structures for (La)TeX
- arrayjob: Array data structures for (La)TeX
- dowith: Apply a command to a list of items
- fenixpar: One-shot changes to token registers such as \everypar
- multido: A loop facility for Generic TeX
- gobble: More gobble macros for PlainTeX and LaTeX
- gates: Support for writing modular and customisable code
- multiexpand: Variations on the primitive command \expandafter
- gtl: Manipulating generalized token lists
- word2tex: Convert TeX/MSWord to LaTeX
- xmlplay: Typeset Shakespeare’s plays as marked up by Bosak
- plainpkg: A minimal method for making generic packages
- localloc: Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
- pdftexcmds: LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
- ltxcmds: Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
- collargs: Collect arguments of any command
- etoolbox-generic: A loader for etoolbox.sty in non-LaTeX formats
- nodetree: Visualize node lists in a tree view
- wiki: Use Wiki-style markup in a LaTeX document
- abc: Support ABC music notation in LaTeX