Suggestions for mecaso
The following packages have something in common with the package mecaso. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- physics: Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
- hep: A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
- hepnames: Pre-defined high energy particle names
- simplewick: Simple Wick contractions
- hepunits: A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
- hepparticles: Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names
- phfextendedabstract: Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
- chs-physics-report: Physics lab reports for Carmel High School
- uol-physics-report: A LaTeX document class for writing lab reports
- physics-patch: Patches for the physics package, and integration of physics and siunitx packages
- braket: Dirac bra-ket and set notations
- linop: Typeset linear operators as they appear in quantum theory or linear algebra
- hepthesis: A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
- isotope: A package for typesetting isotopes
- nrc: Class for the NRC technical journals
- nuc: Notation for nuclear isotopes
- ptptex: Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'
- physymb: Assorted macros for Physicists
- pawpict: Using graphics from PAW
- susy: Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work
- revquantum: Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful
- nucleardata: Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
- slashed: Put a slash through characters
- bohr: Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model
- quantumarticle: Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
- jpsj: Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
- revtex: Styles for various Physics Journals
- cmpj: Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics
- nchairx: Maths macros from chair X of Würzburg University
- physconst: Macros for commonly used physical constants
- phfqit: Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory