Suggestions for tkz-elements
The following packages have something in common with the package tkz-elements. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry
- luacas: A computer algebra system for users of LuaLaTeX
- luanumint: Numerical integration using Lua inside LaTeX documents
- elements: Provides properties of chemical elements
- tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs
- tkz-berge: Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory
- resolsysteme: Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
- luacomplex: Operations on complex numbers inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- tkz-tab: Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ
- luarandom: Create lists of random numbers
- binomexp: Calculate Pascal's triangle
- calculation: Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs
- calculator: Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
- numerica: Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
- xint-regression: Classic regressions, with xint
- linearregression: Calculate and display linear regressions
- tkz-linknodes: Link nodes in mathematical environments
- tkz-kiviat: Draw Kiviat graphs
- tkz-base: Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
- pascaltriangle: Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
- numerica-plus: Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
- numerica-tables: Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
- tkz-fct: Tools for drawing graphs of functions
- xintsession: Interactive computing sessions (fractions, floating points, polynomials)
- luamathalign: More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
- luasseq: Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
- sympycalc: Work with SymPy and PyLuaTeX
- truthtable: Automatically generate truth tables for given variables and statements
- luamaths: Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
- luatruthtable: Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
- luaset: Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua