Directory fonts/utilities/vplutils
VPL Utilities Angus Duggan 25th September 1993 This directory contains the first in a suite of tools to manipulate TeX property list and virtual property list files. More tools may be added as the need arises :-) These tools are copyright (C) Angus Duggan 1993, but may be re-distributed freely and used for any purpose (including distribution as part of a for-profit product) provided that: 1) The original attribution of the programs is clearly displayed in the product and/or documentation, even if the programs are modified and/or renamed as part of the product. 2) The original source code of the programs is provided free of charge (except for reasonable distribution costs). For a definition of reasonable distribution costs, see the Gnu General Public License or Larry Wall's Artistic License (provided with the Perl 4 kit). The GPL and Artistic License in NO WAY affect this license; they are merely used as examples of the spirit in which it is intended. 3) These programs are provided "as-is". No warranty or guarantee of their fitness for any particular task is provided. Use of these programs is completely at your own risk. The package contains: SCRIPTS makevpl Merges PL and VPL files, creating a VPL file. spacevpl Alters the spacing in a PL or VPL file. FILES Perl package for expanding and searching paths Perl package for parsing PL and VPL files Perl package for parsing encoding vectors encodings/* Encoding vectors for various TeX and other encodings. INSTALLATION Edit the PERL, PERLLIBDIR, SCRIPTDIR, MANDIR, MANEXT and ENCODINGDIR macros in the Makefile, and "make install". BUGS None that I know of :-)
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (31.9k).
vplutils – Manipulate (virtual) property lists
The first two of a planned suite of tools, these are Perl
– makevpl, which merges PL and VPL files, creating a VPL
file, and
– spacevpl, which alters the spacing in a PL or VPL file.
Package | vplutils |
Licenses | Free license not otherwise listed |
Copyright | 1993 Angus Duggan |
Maintainer | Angus Duggan |
Topics | Font processor |