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Directory graphics/pstricks/contrib/pst-labo

pst-labo provides macros for a variety of devices used
  mainly for chemical applications. Since most of these
  devices have a standardised design pst-labo spares you the
  trouble of having to create them manually. All
  basic objects are included in the file pst-laboObj.tex and
  are loaded during the start of pst-labo.

Pay attention, that you cannot run the documentation with
pdflatex, PSTricks is PosTScript Tricks.
Use latex->dvips->ps2pdf or xelatex or lualatex


Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.1M).

pst-labo – Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories

Pst-labo is a PSTricks related package for drawing basic and complex chemical objects. The documentation of the package is illuminated with plenty of illustrations together with their source code, making it an easy read.

LicensesThe Project Public License
MaintainerDenis Girou
Christophe Jorssen
Manuel Luque
Herbert Voß
Contained inTeX Live as pst-labo
MiKTeX as pst-labo
TopicsGraphics use
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