Directory macros/generic/systeme
L'extension systeme v0.34 5 mai 2020 Author : Christian Tellechea Email : (CT) Commentaires, signalements de bugs et suggestions bienvenus Licence : Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later, see ---------------------------------------------------------------------- R\'esum\'é Cette extension permet d'entrer un syst\`eme d'\'equations ou d'in\'egalit\'es lin\'éaires sous forme intuitive et d'obtenir un rendu o\`u les termes et les signes sont align\'es verticalement ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract This package allows you to enter systems of linear equations or inequalities in a intuitive way, and produces output where the terms and signs are aligned vertically.
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systeme – Format systems of equations
The package allows you to enter systems of equations or inequalities in an intuitive way, and produces typeset output where the terms and signs are aligned vertically.
The package works with plain TeX or LaTeX, but e-TeX is required.
Package | systeme |
Version | 0.34 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c |
Maintainer | Christian Tellechea |
Contained in | TeX Live as systeme MiKTeX as systeme |
Topics | Simplified Maths system equations Maths |