Directory macros/latex/contrib/guitartabs
Guitartabs is a simple LaTeX class that allows guitarists to create basicĀ guitar tablatures using LaTeX. Create music and do not be bothered with macro programming.
The environment is created using LaTeX2ε and different packages. All of them are marked with RequirePackage.
What's inside - this README. guitartabs.cls - a class with the environment. nothingelsematters.tex - an example. nothingelsematters.pdf - an example in PDF format. guitartabs-doc.tex - documentation. guitartabs-doc.pdf - documentation in PDF format.
Released under the The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c.
Andrey Babushkin
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (209.7k).
guitartabs – A class for drawing guitar tablatures easily
This package provides is a simple LaTeX2ε class that allows guitarists to create basicĀ guitar tablatures using LaTeX. Create music and do not be bothered with macro programming.
The class depends on the LaTeX packages geometry, harmony, inputenc, intcalc, musixtex, tikz, and xifthen, as well as the article class.
Package | guitartabs |
Version | 2018-05-01 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c |
Maintainer | Andrey Babushkin |
Contained in | TeX Live as guitartabs MiKTeX as guitartabs |
Topics | Music Chords Class |