Directory macros/latex/contrib/hypdvips
LaTeX package hypdvips 2019/07/31 v3.03 The hypdvips package is a collection of add-ons and fixes for problems when using hyperref with dvips. It adds support for breaking links, hyperlinked tablenotes, file attachments, embedded documents and different types of GoTo- links. In addition, the cooperation with cleveref allows an enhanced back- referencing system. History: v3.03 - fixes /rangecheck error in ps2pdf when the `objdef' keyword is used in a \pdfmark in conjunction with package option `quadpoints=false' (thanks to Joseph Wright for the bug-report) - supports newer versions of KOMA-Script (fixes \bmstyle command) - supports newer versions of the Ghostscript software (fixes hyperlinks for version 9.14 and above) v3.02 - fixes erroneous `disable' and `enable' text output before and after the \tableofcontents, \listoffigures, \listoftables, and \listofattachments commands when hyperref option backref is disabled (thanks to Matthias Walter for the bug-report and to Heiko Oberdiek for analyzing the bug) v3.01 - supports newer versions of KOMA-Script (thanks to Peter Ebelsberger for the bug-report and to Enrico Gregorio and Heiko Oberdiek for analyzing and fixing the bug) - supports newer versions of cleveref - removes support for jobnames which start with a parenthesis `(' as it interferes with latex' command line option -output-directory (thanks to Dominik Derigs for the bug-report) - improves algorithm which decides whether to break links v3.00 - supports newer versions of hyperref - loads the PU encoding only when it's really needed (thanks to Manuel Cartignies for the bug-report) - improves compatibility with package acronym (thanks to Timo Stein for the bug-report) - fixes duplicate back-references when option `detailedbr' is disabled v2.04 - improves compatibility with package biblatex (thanks to Alexander Wilbuer for the bug-report) - improves compatibility with AMS document classes (thanks to Ilya Zakharevich for the bug-report) - uses package atveryend instead of zref in order to avoid e-TeX dependency - adds support for package wrapfig - corrects a bug in enumeration of subfigure anchors v2.03 - fixes broken links within cleveref references - breaks up links between pages and columns into individual links v2.02 - improves compatibility with package caption (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) - fixes the \bmstyle command to work with chapters (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) - fixes incorrect spacing after certain environments (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) v2.01 - does not implicitly load the hyperref package anymore - restores the original \autoref command of the hyperref package - fixes labels and anchors to not be corrupted after certain environments v2.00 - supports newer versions of hyperref and cleveref - new package option `emptypagelabels': allows to choose whether empty PDF pagelabels are created if pagestyle is set to `empty' (thanks to Sebastian Bomberg for the suggestion) - uses \backrefalt for back-referencing system (thanks to Benedikt Leinss for the bug-report) - changes \bmstyle to use \bookmarkdefinestyle v1.06 - new package option `nlwarning': allows to suppress warnings concerning nested links (thanks to Marco Daniel for the suggestion) - fixes duplicate warnings about nested links when option `evenboxes' is disabled v1.05 - improves compatibility with packages tabularx & subcaption (thanks to Marco Daniel for the bug-report) v1.04 - fixes problem with back-reference when citing in footnotetext and option `smallfootnotes' is enabled v1.03 - new package options: `flip' & `mirror' - adds support for package threeparttable: tablenotes are now hyperlinked - fixes corrupted /Names entry in {Catalog} when embedding files v1.02 - better support for broken links (should now work in tables too) - fixes \bmstyle command v1.01 - uses xcolor package to achieve better print quality when hyperref option `colorlinks' is used - patches bookmark package to work with jobnames which start with a parenthesis `(' - corrects some minor typos in the documentation v1.00 - initial release
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.1M).
hypdvips – Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
The hypdvips package fixes some problems when using hyperref with dvips. It also adds support for breaking links, file attachments, embedded documents and different types of GoTo-links. The cooperation of hyperref with cleveref is improved, which in addition allows an enhanced back-referencing system.
Package | hypdvips |
Version | 3.03 2019-07-31 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 |
Copyright | 2008–2019 Raimund Niedrist |
Maintainer | Raimund Niedrist |
Contained in | TeX Live as hypdvips MiKTeX as hypdvips |
Topics | Hyper |
See also | breakurl |