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Directory macros/latex/contrib/recorder-fingering



Version 1.3b October 17, 2023

The recorder-fingering package provides support for generating fingering diagrams for baroque fingering recorders and the tin whistle. Standard fingerings are provided for recorders in both C and F, and the tin whistle in D, along with methods to create and display alternate fingerings for trills, etc.

Sample of what you can do with it:

Fingering chart

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (181.2k).

recorder-fingering – Package to display recorder fingering diagrams

This package provides support for generating and displaying fingering diagrams for baroque fingering recorders and the tin whistle. Standard fingerings are provided for recorders in both C and F, and the tin whistle in D, along with methods to create and display alternate fingerings for trills, etc.

Bug trackerhttps://github.com/amunn/recorder-fingering/issues
Version1.3b 2023-10-17
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2023 Alan Munn
MaintainerAlan Munn
Contained inTeX Live as recorder-fingering
MiKTeX as recorder-fingering
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