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Upload of versions 1.20 of beamer and 0.50 of pgf

Date: January 18, 2004 6:51:50 PM CET
On Sat, 17 Jan 2004, Till Tantau uploaded new versions of his beamer and pgf packages. I installed them in macros/latex/contrib/beamer and /graphics/pgf respectively. Thanks for the updates. Changelog is appended. For the CTAN Team Rainer Schöpf > Version 1.20 of beamer: > - Reorganzed directory structure: new directories base and themes > - Added some explanations in user guide on font encodings and > graphic file formats. > - T1 encoding is fully supported now. > - lmodern and fourier fonts are supported now. > - \mathrm will always produce roman text now. > - \mathbf will produced boldface serif or sans-serif text, > depending on the math font selection. > - Added options to include only certain sections in the table of > contents. > - Added option to hilight only the current subsection in the table > of contents. > - Added inserts for numbering sections in the table of contents. > - Added predefined templates for more fancyful table of contents. > - Shadow theme now uses a numbered table of contents by > default. Use \beamertemplateplaintoc to get the old behaviour. > - Changed the syntax of \frame. Overlay specification must now be > given in pointed brackets. (Old syntax is quietly tolerated.) > - Command \plainframe has been replaced by \frame[plain]. (Old > syntax is quietly tolerated.) > - Renamed beamerboxes to beamerbaseboxes and beamertemplates to > beamerbasetemplate. They are included automatically, so simply > delete an inclusion of the old packages). > - Fixed bug in beamerbaseboxes. > - Uncover now also works for whole lines or passages in tables and > alignments, both for completely invisible covered and > transparent covered text. > - Item balls/icons now change color inside beamerboxes according > to the color scheme. > - Added versioning system for head and toc entries. Will no longer > do weird things when left over files from an old version are > encountered. (Makes updating a lot easier.) > - Slightly changed LyX stuff to work together with the syntax > changes. Still no real documentation. > - Uses version 1.06 of xcolor now. > - Uses pgf 0.50 now. > - Mechanism for alternate selection of images and shading is > slightly changed and incompatible with the old one. > - pgf's cvs is now also on SourceForge next to the beamer class. > > Version 0.50 of pgf: > - Switched to version 1.06 of xcolor. > - Core pgf no longer relies on xxcolor. > - The syntax of the mechanism for choosing alternate images and > shadings is more flexible now. The syntax has been changed > (mainly, you now have to have a dot between the original name and > the alternate extension). > - Some xxcolor commands have been removed.

beamer – A class for producing presentations and slides

The beamer class can be used for producing slides. The class works in both PostScript and direct PDF output modes, using the pgf graphics system for visual effects.

Content is created in the frame environment, and each frame can be made up of a number of slides using a simple notation for specifying material to appear on each slide within a frame. Short versions of title, authors, institute can also be specified as optional parameters. Whole frame graphics are supported by plain frames. The class supports figure and table environments, transparency effects, varying slide transitions and animations. Beamer also provides compatibility with other packages like prosper.

The package now incorporates the functionality of the former translator package, which is used for customising the package for use in other language environments.

Beamer depends on the following other packages: atbegshi, etoolbox, hyperref, ifpdf, pgf, and translator.

Version3.72 2025-02-04
Copyright2003–2007 Till Tantau
2010 Vedran Miletić
2011–2015 Vedran Miletić, Joseph Wright
2019–2025 Joseph Wright, samcarter
Joseph Wright
Vedran Miletić (inactive)
Louis Stuart (inactive)
Till Tantau (inactive)



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