Suggestions for magicwatermark
The following packages have something in common with the package magicwatermark. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- gridpapers: Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
- fadingimage: Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
- background: Placement of background material on pages of a document
- watermark: Draw “watermarks” on the output page
- timbreicmc: Typeset documents with ICMC/USP watermarks
- pascaltriangle: Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
- njuvisual: Display logos related to Nanjing University
- recorder-fingering: Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
- mercatormap: Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
- rpgicons: Icons for tabletop role-playing games
- letterswitharrows: Draw arrows over math letters
- proflycee: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
- nicematrix: Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
- tikzquests: A parametric questions’ repositories framework
- aeb-tilebg: AeB Tiling Backgrounds
- xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages
- gitstatus: Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
- draftwatermark: Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
- tikzfill: TikZ libraries for filling with images and patterns
- gradback: Gradient backgrounds for dvips output
- pagegrid: Print page grid in background
- phfsvnwatermark: Watermarks with version control information from SVN
- bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
- scratchx: Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents
- bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
- havannah: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex
- thuaslogos: Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
- scratch3: Draw programs like “scratch”
- overarrows: Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
- highlightx: Highlight formulas or paragraphs
- quizztex: Create quizzes like in TV shows