Directory fonts/oldstandard
This is the README for the OldStandard package, version 2.7a, release 2024-03-04. This package provides the Old Standard family of fonts designed by Alexey Kryukov and revised by Robert Alessi and Antonis Tsolomitis, in both OpenType and Type1 formats, with support for both traditional and modern LaTeX processors. Old Standard reproduces a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later. However, this lettertype still has at least two advantages: + it can be considered a good choice for typesetting scientific papers, especially in social and humanitarian sciences, as its specific features are closely associated in people's eyes with old books they learned on; + the most beautiful examples of Greek and Cyrillic lettertypes were all based on the classicist style, so for those scripts, "Modern" fonts are much more appropriate than any contemporary (e.g. Times-based) designs. In comparison to the previous releases of Old Standard, it includes new letters and some corrections: 1. Small capitals for Roman, Greek and Cyrillic letters, in all three styles, Regular, Italic and Bold have been added. Small capitals, which were missing from *Old Standard*, were already in use a century ago in fine books which used font faces very similar to *Old Standard*. Typical use cases of small capitals were headers, current headings and in some books proper names. 2. A bold italic shape was first auto-generated in 2019. Of course, auto-generating shapes was not a satisfactory solution. Since then, the characters have been reworked manually. 3. The letter G with caron above, that is: Ǧ (`U+01E6`, uppercase) and ǧ (`U+01E7`, lowercase) has been added. It is the only character missing from *Old Standard* that is needed in some of the accepted standards of romanization of classical Arabic.[^2] 4. Additionally, this release corrects the `+ss06` feature provided by *Old Standard*. This feature is supposed to distinguish between regular and ‘curled’ beta (β/ϐ) and to print ‘curled’ beta (`U+03D0`) in medial position. This feature worked in most cases with the previous release of *Old Standard*. However, it failed if the beta is preceded by a vowel with an acute accent taken from the *Greek extended* Unicode block. 5. Open theta has been replaced with closed theta in slot 03B8 and rules ss05 and ss06 have been adjusted accordingly. 6. **Oldstyle numerals**: These have been designed by Antonis Tsolomitis for regular and bold series and can be selected by `RawFeature=onum`. 7. **Math Font**: This is a major and long-awaited enhancement to Old Standard. The math font has been designed by Antonis Tsolomitis from an old French book published by Gauthier-Villars that used a font similar to Old Standard for Greek and a Bodoni font for Latin. As both Bodoni and Old Standard were “romantic” faces, it is hoped that they match up nicely, even if this remains to be proven...<br/> Two integrals are provided: a romantic one, which is selected by default, and an upright version, which can be selected with `StylisticSet=2`. To install this package on a TDS-compliant TeX system download the file "tex-archive"/install/fonts/ where the preferred URL for "tex-archive" is Unzip the archive at the root of an appropriate texmf tree, likely a personal or local tree. If necessary, update the file-name database (e.g., texhash). Update the font-map files by enabling the Map file To use, add \usepackage{OldStandard} to the preamble of your document. This will activate OldStandard as the main (serifed) text font. Regular, Italic, Bold and BoldItalic styles are available. Font encodings supported are OT1, T1, TS1, LY1, LGR and T2A/B/C. Options include: oldstyle,osf old-style figures lining,lf lining figures proportional,p varying-width figures tabular,t fixed-width figures The defaults now are oldstyle and proportional. Commands \oldstylenums{...} and \liningnums{...} are defined to allow for local use of old-style figures or lining figures, respectively. Similarly, \tabularnums{...} and \proportionalnums{...} allow for local use of monospaced or varying-width figures, respectively. Superior numbers (for footnote markers) are available using \sufigures or \textsu{...}. Inferior numbers (for subscripts) are available using \infigures or \textinf{...}. LuaLaTeX and xeLaTeX users may also use OldStandard.sty but should read the oldstand-manual document for information on taking advantage of OpenType features. If they prefer type1 fonts or wish to avoid fontspec they may use the type1 option. Options scaled=<number> or scale=<number> may be used to scale the fonts. To use OldStandard-Math, see oldstandard-mathtest.tex in the doc directory. The text fonts are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, version 1.1; the text may be found in the doc directory. The Math font is released under the GUST Font License; see The type1 versions were created using cfftot1. The LaTeX support files were created using autoinst and are licensed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License. The maintainers of this package are Bob Tennent (rdtennent at gmail dot com), Nikola Lecic and Robert Alessi. Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to Robert Alessi or Antonis Tsolomitis: * email: <> / <> * website: <> * development: <> * comments, feature requests, bug reports: <>
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (5.1M).
OldStandard – OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
Old Standard is designed to reproduce the actual printing style of the early 20th century, reviving a specific type of Modern (classicist) style of serif typefaces, very commonly used in various editions of the late 19th and early 20th century, but almost completely abandoned later.
The font supports typesetting of Old and Middle English, Old Icelandic, Cyrillic (with historical characters, extensions for Old Slavonic and localised forms), Gothic transliterations, critical editions of Classical Greek and Latin, and many more.
This package works with TeX engines that directly support OpenType features, such as XeTeX and LuaTeX, as well as traditional engines such as TeX and pdfTeX.
Package | OldStandard |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Version | 2.7a 2024-03-04 |
Licenses | The SIL Open Font License The LaTeX Project Public License The GUST Font License (GFL) Free Documentation License |
Copyright | 2006–2011 Alexey Kryukov 2019–2023 Robert Alessi |
Maintainer | Robert Alessi Nikola Lečić Bob Tennent Antonis Tsolomitis Alexey Kryukov (inactive) |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as oldstandard MiKTeX as oldstandard |
Topics | Font Type1 Font t1enc OTF Font Font Multilingual Font Greek Font Body Font Maths Font Cyrillic Font Font serif Proportional Font Font support |