Directory macros/latex/required/amscls
README file for AMS document classes amsart/book/proc 2.20.6 [2020/05/29] Copyright 2004, 2010, 2014-2020 American Mathematical Society. This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. The Current Maintainer of this work is the American Mathematical Society. American Mathematical Society Technical Support Publications Technical Group 201 Charles Street Providence, RI 02904 USA tel: (401) 455-4080 (800) 321-4267 (USA and Canada only) fax: (401) 331-3842 email: ======================================================================== See manifest.txt for a list of all the files in the distribution. The document classes amsart, amsbook, amsproc and related packages are provided by the American Mathematical Society for authors to use with LaTeX. They produce the overall layout and appearance of AMS publications. In order to use an AMS document class you need to have TeX software installed first. TeX is not an AMS product. If you need information on getting TeX see one of the following: User documentation for the AMS document classes is contained in the class-specific AMS Author Handbook, found at these locations: (individual handbooks) (full source) Additional documentation for the AMS document classes and the related theorem package is found in diffs-c.txt amsthdoc.pdf thmtest.tex thmtest.pdf which are included in the collection. Answers to some specific questions can be found in the AMS Author FAQ: The recommended procedure for making a custom document class based on an AMS class is to make a copy of the relevant .cls file using a different name and edit the copy---e.g., copy amsbook.cls to mybook.cls. (In general we advise against using \LoadClass, unless the base class is frozen or changes to the base class are under your control.) ======================================================================== RECENT CHANGES ---amsclass.dtx 2.20.5 2020/05/21 Added support for MSC 2020 and made it the default. ---amsclass.dtx 2.20.4 2017/10/31 Changed \emailaddrname: replaced "E-mail" by "Email" ---amsclass.dtx 2.20.3 2017/10/06 Don't assume amsfonts is available when providing a fallback definition of \dh; instead, issue a warning and substitute "dh". ---documentation files 2017/11/15 instr-l.* removed; superseded by (class-specific) AMS Author Handbooks at or ======================================================================== PREVIOUS CHANGES ---amsthdoc.tex 2.20.2 2015/04/10 Completely rewritten, adding examples, workarounds, and notes on interaction with other packages and document classes. ---amsclass.dtx 2.20.2 2015/03/10 Patched definition of \[ for compatibility with the fixltx2e package and post-2014 versions of the LaTeX kernel. Thanks to David Carlisle. ---amsclass.ins 2.25 2014/07/24 amsmidx.ins 1.1 2014/07/24 upref.ins 1.1 2014/07/24 Superseded ams-c1.ins by individual .ins files per .dtx file ---amsbooka.dtx 2.08 2014/07/11 1. When chapter has an author, reset running heads to be author/left, chapter title/right. 2. Added \barefootnote and inchapterbibliography. 3. Added (optional) \copyrightinfo per chapter. ---amsclass.dtx 2.20.1 2009/07/02 1. Added [2010] option as permissible year for \subjclass. 2. Revised header block to explicitly recognize the LPPL. ---ams-c1.ins 2.20 2004/08/03 Added amsmidx package. ---amsclass.dtx 2.20 2004/08/06 1. Added facility for additional line(s) in copyright block. 2. Corrected handling of section heading with no title. 3. Got rid of spurious "Appendix" in t-of-c in \backmatter. 4. Changed MR number formatting to use new style as on MathSciNet. 5. Created commands for various style elements and substituted them for hard-coded values to simplify building derived classes. 6. Added sectioning and otherwise cleaned up commentary. ---amsclass.faq - 2004/08/06 Removed from distribution; replaced by on-line FAQ at ---amsdtx.dtx 2.06 2004/08/06 1. Reworked indexing commands for compatibility with doc.sty. 2. Added option environment for enhanced indexing. 3. Improved formatting. ---amsthdoc.tex 2.20 2004/08/03 1. Substantially rewritten for clarity. 2. Added documentation for \newtheoremstyle. ---instr-l.tex 2.20 2004/08/05 Substantially rewritten for clarity and to add instructions for new features; see note on amsclass.dtx regarding features. ---mrabbrev.bib - 2004/08/05 Removed from distribution; this is now available separately from ---thmtest.tex 2.01 2004/08/02 1. Corrected counter for theorems with switched headers. 2. Added section headings for clarity. 3. Added example ending with a display and \qedhere. ---upref.dtx 2.01 2004/07/29 1. Added code to make package work with hyperref. 2. Improved documentation. ---amsclass.dtx 2.14 2004/04/26 (not released) 1. Incorporated pending changes left by Michael Downes: - Added trap in headings in case \thanks was set within \author, and added \thanks@warning. - Cleaned up and completed unfinished documentation. 2. Added braces in \uppercasenonmath to limit scope. 3. Added \contrib mechanism to handle "non-author" authors. 4. Segregated definitions of administrative footnotes to permit easier customization for AMS journals. 5. Added explicit \bibliofont to permit easy change for special uses. 6. Changed MR number formatting to correspond to new access numbers used by MathSciNet. 7. Added \@citestyle and \citeform to simplify font changes in citations. 8. Added OT1 defaults for \DH, \dh, \DJ, \dj, required for author names. 9. Added \markleft to permit changing of only left running head ---amsclass.dtx 2.13 2002/12/04 (not released) 1. Fixed handling of theorem head punctuation with \swapnumbers. 2. Changed \proofname to \providecommand in case it's already defined. 3. Made \small, \Small, etc., robust. 4. Better spacing in \l@figure to prevent overprinting of figure number. 5. Changed handling of author names to prevent internal line breaks. 6. Added \@noparitemfalse in \dth@everypar to prevent weird results in certain (rare) kinds of usage. 7. Some other cosmetic changes. ---amsthdoc.tex 2.02 2000/06/06 Use article class instead of amsldoc (which is overkill). ---amsldoc.cls - 2000/06/06 Removed from distribution, no longer needed by amsthdoc. ---amsclass.dtx 2.07 2000/06/05 Guard against \\ in argument of \author. ---amsclass.dtx 2.06 2000/06/02 Avoid using \@elt in qed stack because LaTeX output routine falls over if triggered when something else is using \@elt. ---amsclass.dtx 2.05 2000/05/16 1. Added \indexintro. 2. Fixed erroneous init for thm@preskip, thm@postskip. ---amsclass.dtx 2.04 2000/03/10 \newtoks fix for old versions of LaTeX. Added some commentary about \cal. ---amsclass.dtx 2.03 2000/01/17 1. Removed dependency on amsgen package. 2. Added a warning about graphics for the draft option. 3. Improved qedhere handling for article/amsthm combination. ---amsclass.dtx 2.02 2000/01/17 Some fixes for the fleqn/qedhere case. ========================================================================
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (1.2M).
amscls – AMS document classes for LaTeX
This bundle contains three AMS classes, amsart (for writing articles for the AMS), amsbook (for books) and amsproc (for proceedings), together with some supporting material.
This material forms one branch of what was originally the AMS-LaTeX distribution. The other branch, amsmath, is now maintained and distributed separately.
The user documentation can be found in the package amscls-doc.
Package | amscls |
Home page | |
Version | 2.20.6 2020-05-29 |
Licenses | The LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c |
Copyright | 2004, 2010, 2014–2020 American Mathematical Society |
Maintainer | The American Mathematical Society |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as amscls MiKTeX as amscls |
Topics | Class Maths |
See also | amscls-doc amslatex |