Directory support/bib2gls
Command line application to convert .bib
files to glossaries-extra.sty
resource files.
Author: Nicola Talbot (
Application Home Page:
Version details of the current installation can be obtained with --version
or -v
bib2gls --version convertgls2bib --version datatool2bib --version
Copyright (C) 2017-2025 Nicola L. C. Talbot (
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
- Java Runtime Environment (at least Java 8).
- TeX distribution that includes
and dependent packages (such asglossaries.sty
This application may be used to extract glossary information stored in a .bib
file and convert it into glossary entry definition commands. This application should be used with glossaries-extra
's record
package option. It performs two functions:
- selects entries according to records found in the
file (similar tobibtex
- hierarchically sorts entries and collates location lists (similar to
This means that the glossary entries can now be managed in a system such as JabRef, and only the entries that are actually required will be defined, reducing the resources required by TeX.
Supplementary applications
The supplementary application convertgls2bib
can be used to convert existing .tex
files containing definitions (\newglossaryentry
etc) to the .bib
format required by bib2gls
For example, if entries.tex
\newglossaryentry{bird}{name={bird},description={feathered animal}} \newabbreviation{html}{HTML}{Hypertext Markup Language} \newterm[plural=geese]{goose} \newdualentry{svm}{SVM}{support vector machine} {Statistical pattern recognition technique}
Then do:
convertgls2tex entries.tex entries.bib
to create entries.bib
File entries.bib
@entry{bird, name={bird}, description = {feathered animal} } @abbreviation{html, short="HTML", long={hypertext markup language} } @dualentryabbreviation{svm, long = {support vector machine}, short = {SVM}, description = {statistical pattern recognition technique} } @symbol{v, name={$\vec{v}$}, text={\vec{v}}, description={a vector} } @index{goose,plural="geese"}
File myDoc.tex
\documentclass{article} \usepackage[record,abbreviations]{glossaries-extra} \GlsXtrLoadResources[ src={entries},% data in entries.bib sort={en-GB}% sort according to 'en-GB' locale ] \begin{document} \Gls{bird} and \gls{goose}. First: \gls{svm}. Next: \gls{svm}. \printunsrtglossaries \end{document}
Document build:
pdflatex myDoc bib2gls myDoc pdflatex myDoc
(Replace pdflatex
with latex
, xelatex
or lualatex
as appropriate.)
The supplementary application datatool2bib
can be used to convert datatool
databases to .bib
files suitable for use with bib2gls
Related Resources
TUGboat articles:
- Glossaries with bib2gls, issue 40:1, 2019. (PDF)
- bib2gls: selection, cross-references and locations, issue 41:3, 2020. (PDF)
- bib2gls: sorting, issue 42:2, 2021. (PDF)
- bib2gls: standalone entries and repeated lists (a little book of poisons), issue 43:1, 2022. (PDF)
The files should be installed as follows where TEXMF indicates your local or home TEXMF path (for example, ~/texmf/
(Java application.) - TEXMF
(Java application.) - TEXMF
(Java application.) - TEXMF
(Java library providing code shared bybib2gls
and the conversion tools.) - TEXMF
(Java library.) - TEXMF
(main English resource file.) - TEXMF
(supplementary English resource file.) - TEXMF
(supplementary Dutch resource file.) - TEXMF
(Unix-like systems only.) - TEXMF
(Unix-like systems only.) - TEXMF
(Unix-like systems only.) - TEXMF
(User manual.) - TEXMF
(Introductory Guide.) - TEXMF
(example files)
Note that texparserlib.jar
isn't an application. It's a library used by bib2gls.jar
and the *2bib
conversion tools and so needs to be on the same class path as them.
The bash .sh
scripts are provided for Unix-like users. They're not required for Windows. The .1
files are man
files and should be placed where man
can find them. (They are created from the .pod
To test installation:
bib2gls --version convertgls2bib --version
These should display the version details.
Source Code
Instructions for compiling the manual and jar files are listed below. The source is also available on GitHub, but that may be for a newer experimental version.
User Manual (bib2gls.pdf)
The examples directory needs to be ../examples relative to directory containing bib2gls.tex as the .bib, .tex and .pdf files are included in the manual.
xelatex bib2gls bibtex bib2gls bib2gls -g bib2gls xelatex bib2gls bib2gls -g bib2gls xelatex bib2gls xelatex bib2gls
Similarly for the bib2gls-begin.pdf document.
JAR Files
Create the following directories:
Unpack the zip files:
unzip -d java unzip -d java unzip -d java
Copy the .xml
language file to lib/resources/
Compile texparserlib.jar
cd java/lib javac -d ../../classes -Xlint:unchecked -Xlint:deprecation *.java */*.java */*/*.java cd ../../classes jar cf ../lib/texparserlib.jar com/dickimawbooks/texparserlib/*.class \ com/dickimawbooks/texparserlib/*/*.class \ com/dickimawbooks/texparserlib/*/*/*.class
Compile bib2gls.jar
cd java/bib2gls javac -d ../../classes -cp ../../lib/texparserlib.jar *.java cd ../classes jar cmf ../java/bib2gls/Manifest.txt ../lib/bib2gls.jar com/dickimawbooks/bib2gls/*.class
Compile convertgls2bib.jar
cd java/gls2bib javac -d ../../classes -cp ../../lib/texparserlib.jar *.java cd ../classes jar cmf ../java/gls2bib/Manifest.txt ../lib/convertgls2bib.jar com/dickimawbooks/gls2bib/*.class
Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (12.0M).
bib2gls – Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files
This Java command line application may be used to extract glossary information stored in a .bib file and convert it into glossary entry definition commands.
This application should be used with glossaries-extra.sty’s ‘record’ package option. It performs two functions in one:
- selects entries according to records found in the .aux file (similar to bibtex),
- hierarchically sorts entries and collates location lists (similar to makeindex or xindy).
The glossary entries can then be managed in a system such as JabRef, and only the entries that are actually required will be defined, reducing the resources required by TeX.
The supplementary application convertgls2bib can be used to convert existing .tex files containing definitions (\newglossaryentry etc.) to the .bib format required by bib2gls.
Package | bib2gls |
Home page | |
Bug tracker | |
Repository | |
Version | 4.4 2025-02-07 |
Licenses | GNU General Public License, version 3 or newer |
Copyright | 2017–2025 Nicola L. C. Talbot |
Maintainer | Nicola Talbot |
TDS archive | |
Contained in | TeX Live as bib2gls MiKTeX as bib2gls |
Topics | Glossary BibTeX utilities |