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pgfmath-xfp – Define pgfmath functions using xfp

This package allows to define pgfmath functions that use the xfp fpu for their calculations.

The input arguments are parsed with pgfmath (while the pgf-fpu is locally active), and the results are forwarded to xfp’s fpu for the function evaluation. The result of that calculation is then parsed by pgfmath again (with the surrounding settings of pgfmath). This way the functions should be usable in every pgfmath context, though there is some overhead to this approach.

The package is only meant as a temporary stopgap until a more dedicated solution is available to use xfp in pgf.

Version1.0 2021-05-19
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3c
Copyright2020–2021 Jonathan P. Spratte
MaintainerJonathan P. Spratte
Contained inTeX Live as pgfmath-xfp
MiKTeX as pgfmath-xfp
Experimental 3

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