Suggestions for l3build
The following packages have something in common with the package l3build. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- sdaps: LaTeX support files for SDAPS
- verifycommand: Verifies definitions are unchanged, such as before patching
- starray: A structured array (of properties) based on expl3
- langsci-affiliations: Collect and order authors and affiliations
- interfaces: Set parameters for other packages, conveniently
- pgfopts: LaTeX package options with pgfkeys
- translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2ε packages
- translator: Easy translation of strings in LaTeX
- tracklang: Language and dialect tracker
- classpack: XML mastering for LaTeX classes and packages
- aebslicing: An image slicer
- latex-dependency-grapher: Visualize the dependencies of LaTeX files
- luaoptions: Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
- texpack: Create documented LaTeX classes, packages and docs in a Unix environment
- makedtx: Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
- sty2dtx: Create a .dtx file from a .sty file
- scrlfile: Installation control for koma-script packages
- forloop: Iteration in LaTeX
- cdcmd: Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
- lambdax: Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
- enverb: Read an environment verbatim
- namespc: Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in LaTeX
- ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
- arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them)
- conv-xkv: Create new key-value syntax
- fetchcls: Fetch the current class name
- multidef: Quickly define several similar macros
- at: Short commands starting '@'
- cmdstring: Get command name reliably
- fifo-stack: FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
- etex-pkg: E-TeX support package