CTAN Comprehensive TeX Archive Network

Directory macros/latex/contrib/nicematrix


Readme for the package nicematrix

Author: F. Pantigny (fpantigny@wanadoo.fr).

CTAN page: https://ctan.org/pkg/nicematrix

GitHub page: github.com/fpantigny/nicematrix


The extension nicematrix is distributed under the LPPL 1.3 license.


The package nicematrix provides new environments similar to the classical environments {tabular}, {array} and {matrix} but with some additional features. The extension nicematrix creates PGF/Tikz nodes corresponding to the cells of the array and uses them to provide new functionalities.


The package nicematrix is present in the distributions MiK, Live and Mac.

For a manual installation:

  • put the files nicematrix.ins and nicematrix-code.dtx in the same directory;
  • run latex nicematrix.ins in that directory.

The file nicematrix.sty will be generated.

The file nicematrix.sty is the only file necessary to use the extension nicematrix. You have to put it in the same directory as your document or (best) in a texmf tree.

Download the contents of this package in one zip archive (2.6M).

nicematrix – Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF

This package is based on the package array. It creates PGF/TikZ nodes under the cells of the array and uses these nodes to provide functionalities to construct tabulars, arrays and matrices.

Among the features :

  • continuous dotted lines for the mathematical matrices;
  • exterior rows and columns (so-called border matrices);
  • control of the width of the columns;
  • tools to color rows and columns with a good PDF result;
  • blocks of cells;
  • tabular notes;
  • etc.

The package requires and loads l3keys2e, array, amsmath, pgfcore, and the module shapes of PGF.

Version7.0a 2024-12-16
LicensesThe Project Public License 1.3
Copyright2018–2024 F. Pantigny
MaintainerFrançois Pantigny
Contained inTeX Live as nicematrix
MiKTeX as nicematrix
Experimental 3
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