Suggestions for morewrites
The following packages have something in common with the package morewrites. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- newfile: User level management of LaTeX input and output
- scrwfile: Use LaTeX .aux file in place of \newrite files
- closefrm: Tidy up after reading a METAPOST file
- koma-script: A bundle of versatile classes and packages
- scontents: Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files
- gitver: Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
- changelog: Typesetting style changelogs
- embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text
- transparent-io: Show for approval the filenames used in \input, \openin, or \openout
- termmenu: The package provides support for terminal-based menus using expl3
- varsfromjobname: Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file
- attrib: Attribution of block quotations in LaTeX
- longnamefilelist: Tidy \listfiles with long file names
- readprov: Provides GetFileInfo without the need to load the file
- iffont: Conditionally load fonts with fontspec
- blkcntrl: Block-element hooks in LaTeX
- bits: Sub-document environments in LaTeX
- phfparen: Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
- zwgetfdate: Get package or file date
- chapterfolder: Package for working with complicated folder structures
- diagnose: A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation
- dateiliste: Extensions of the \listfiles concept
- enparen: Consistent nested brackets
- getfiledate: Find the date of last modification of a file
- messagebubbles: Display message bubbles as a conversation
- progress: Creates an overview of a document's state
- statistik: Store statistics of a document
- stampinclude: Inclusion based on .aux file date stamps
- fileinfo: Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information
- myfilist: Configuring the output of the \listfiles command
- interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing