Suggestions for ptex-texmf
The following packages have something in common with the package ptex-texmf. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- ptex: A TeX system for publishing in Japanese
- endnotesj: Japanese-style endnotes
- gckanbun: Kanbun typesetting for (u)pLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
- bxcjkjatype: Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
- jfontmaps: Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese fonts
- zxjafont: Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
- bxbase: BX bundle base components
- bxghost: Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
- bxwareki: Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
- bxjaprnind: Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
- lshort-japanese: Japanese version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2ε
- zxjatype: Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
- bxjscls: Japanese document class collection for all major engines
- zxjafbfont: Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK
- japanese-mathformulas: Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- pbibtex-manual: Documentation files for (u)pBibTeX
- japanese-otf-uptex: Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
- bxjalipsum: Dummy text in Japanese
- bxjaholiday: Support for Japanese holidays
- babel-japanese: Babel support for Japanese
- japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- bxjatoucs: Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
- pxbase: Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
- uptex: Unicode version of pTeX
- ptex-manual: Japanese pTeX manual
- cjkpunct: Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks
- ipaex-type1: IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
- kanaparser: Kana parser for LuaTeX
- nidanfloat: Bottom placement option for double float in two column mode (nidan-kumi)
- asternote: Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
- jpnedumathsymbols: Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education