Suggestions for mathfam256
The following packages have something in common with the package mathfam256. The packages are ordered in decreasing similarity.
- glosmathtools: Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
- malayalam-omega: Typesetting Malayalam using Omega
- jpnedumathsymbols: Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
- tamil-omega: Tamil support for Omega/Aleph
- bengali-omega: Bengali in Velthuis transliteration or in UTF-8
- etex-pkg: E-TeX support package
- bxcalc: Extend the functionality of the calc package
- xskak: An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
- etoolbox: e-TeX tools for LaTeX
- etoc: Completely customisable TOCs
- biblatex: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
- csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities
- scrbase: Provide basic features for KOMA-Script
- jpneduenumerate: Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
- japanese-mathformulas: Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
- biblatex-ms: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX (multiscript version)
- babel-japanese: Babel support for Japanese
- polexpr: A parser for polynomial expressions
- nidanfloat: Bottom placement option for double float in two column mode (nidan-kumi)
- asternote: Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
- ascmac: Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
- chuushaku: Flexible book notes in Japanese
- hyperref: Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
- antomega: Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda
- kanbun: Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
- gentombow: Generate Japanese-style crop marks
- pxbase: Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
- japanese-otf-uptex: Support for Japanese OTF files in upLaTeX
- japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
- texdimens: Conversion of TeX dimensions to decimals
- yax: Yet Another Key System